A child is always the most loving and cutest for his mom in the world and similarly, a pet is always the dearest to his owner in the park. To any owner, no other pet can compare. Besides making sure your pet stands out from the others, a pet owner also tries to keep his fur baby safe. For this purpose, a pet ID tag is a great tool to give your pet a unique look and also outfit him with your contact details to get them home safely in case they get lost. In this article, we will discuss the benefits and importance of pet ID tags.

Importance of Pet ID Tags

A pet ID tag can not only keep your pet safe but also show off their personality. According to the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy, fewer than 2% of lost cats and only 15-20% of lost dogs are ever returned to their guardians.

When your pet is wearing a permanent and visible form of ID it is their fastest ticket home. As we all know, our best friends cannot talk so this is their easiest form of communication if they are found away from home.

ID Tag for Dog

Chances of your pet getting lost

According to the Found Animals Foundation, 1 in 3 pets will get lost at some point in their lifetime and 90% of them never return home without an ID. Another study reported that approximately 10 million pets get lost every year. Pet ID tags ensure that if your pet does get lost, it’s easy for the person who finds them to get in contact with you and get your pet home safe.

Unexpected Events

Natural disasters can strike without warning, as can man-made problems like car accidents or house fires. Any number of these unexpected events could result in the loss of your pet – even if he is “indoor only.” It’s best to be prepared ahead of time for these kinds of events. Putting a pet ID tag on your dog or cat’s collar is a simple way to do just that.

Benefits of Pet ID Tags

Pet with Tag ID is more prone to get help

Most people are willing to stop and help a stray dog or cat when it appears to be a family pet. Without a tag or collar, people might be hesitant to approach your pet and their chance at rescue could be lost.

Fastest Way to Get Home

Micro-chipping is a helpful way to keep track of your pet, but if someone finds your pet, they will need to take him to a shelter or vet’s office to have the chip read. Pet ID tags, on the other hand, make it fast and easy for anyone to get in touch with you as soon as they find your pet.

Cute ID tags for Cat

Legible for Years

While we surely want the engraving on your dog ID to be accurate, have you considered the accuracy and depth of the cut? Many high-quality dog tag companies like Dream Big Studio are now using cutting-edge technology to improve the longevity and clarity of their products. Laser engraving enables retailers to provide precision cuts that last for decades. No smudging, scuffing, or scratching can ruin the integrity of a top-notch laser engraved tag.

Pet lovers

Final Words

The moral of the story is: always keep an ID tag on your pet. It will take one step further towards the safety of your pet and also urge others to get IDs for their pets, too. Tags are cheap, safe, and the quickest method to track your loved ones.