Have you ever noticed how much important is the organization of wardrobe in home decor and styling? If not, then just check it now. If you aren’t able to find your favorite piece of clothing, then this is a sign that your closet needs proper organization. Your properly organized wardrobe will give a neat and classy look to your house. It will not only save your time and space but everything will be organized and look cool. Here are some of the clever closet organization ideas you can take inspiration from.

Closet Organization Ideas

A clean and properly arranged closet will be easy to manage by everyone, and even if someone else is handling your wardrobe, they can easily find everything. Maintaining an organized closet is an ongoing process, but there are some things that you can do so that it will not take more than 10 minutes to re-arrange your clothes later. So if you are looking for stylish closet organization ideas in less time and budget, then keep reading for some useful tips and tricks.

Decluttering by Category

Sorting Clothes

First of all, declutter your all clothes into different categories like pants, tops, outerwear, undergarments, accessories, and casual dresses. It’s an easy way to compare similar kinds of clothes and group them together. During this process, keep in your mind that only clothes you love to wear should be part of your organized closet. You can donate the rest of the useless clothes.

Empty and Clean your Closet

Empty Closet

After separating and piling your clothes into the above-mentioned categories, pull out anything else still left in your closet. Now you have to clean this empty closet. Vacuum the carpet, wipe the shelves and hanging rods, and scrub the marks and dirt from the cupboard walls.

Designing Ideal Closet Space

Ideal Closet

If you are having time and money for branded closet renovation, then go for it. If not, then you can always work with what you have. With the vertical storage space, built-in shelves, hanging rods, and drawers, everything should be balanced. Your closet can not only have all the shelves and no hanging rods. It will not look good and it will be difficult to manage in such cases.

If your closet is having too many shelves and no hanging space, then you can remove some shelves to convert them to hanging space. Use plastic bins for beach clothes, bathing suits, and hats.

Store Clothes by Category

Storing By Category

It’s quite obvious that you will store your clothes category-wise now, but it’s very important to remind you again. Don’t forget to keep like items with like items. Store all your belts in the same spot. Hang all your casual shirts together. Place all the trousers and pajamas in the same place.

Hang Delicate, Fancy and Sturdy Clothes

Hanged Clothes

If you are having enough space to hang all of your shirts, then it’s well and good, hang them all. If not, even then the delicate clothes like dresses, skirts, and lingerie, fancy items like suits, sturdy clothes like coats and blazers are to be hanged at any cost.

A tip from one of the most organized people in the world, to make your closet look neat and happy: Hang everything facing the same direction, with longer items on the left and shorter on the right to make an upward slope from the bottom of your clothes.

Use Coordinating Hangers

Coordinating Hangers

Go for sturdy velvet hangers rather than thin plastic ones for hanging heavy suits. Use matching hangers for hanging your clothes, for more neatness and uniformity.

Stack Thick Items

Stacking Thick Items

You can save your hanging space, by stacking bulky sweaters and denim jeans in separate piles. They will make a perfect stack for shelf space, as they are sturdy and thick, which means they won’t slump and crinkle or lose their shape.

Organizing Storage Boxes

Rolled Clothes

Clothes like cotton shirts, leggings, and polyester shorts, are too thin to be piled, so they are perfect candidates for the roll and tuck technique.

This technique is a major space-saver if you are doing it right. Rather than stacking such thinner clothes, you can fold them in half and roll them into neat little tubes. Tuck your rolled clothes into open boxes or wire baskets.

Most Used Clothes at Eye Level

Closet Organization

The very important tip is to keep your regularly used items in the middle of a closet at eye level so that it’s easy to find everything when needed. This will save you from morning struggle while going to work.

Similarly, keep the lesser-worn items above or below the frequently used clothes. The top shelf is the best place for least-worn clothes.

Color Code your Wardrobe

Colored Organization of Closet

If you are a visual person, then organizing your clothes by color will be very beneficial for you. You can easily find the required outfit.

You can arrange them according to rainbow colors or in any other order as well.

Drawers for Undergarments


The drawers are the best place for socks, undergarments, belts, and tights, etc. Just roll them and put them in the drawers. You can easily find them later on and your closet will also look tidy in this way.

Utilizing Empty Walls of Closet


The empty wall space of your closet can be used to hang ties, jewelry, belts, and hats, etc. You can use a hanging jewelry organizer or towel hooks for such purposes.

One In, One Out Policy

Perfect Closet

To keep your closet organized for a longer period, follow the one in, one out policy. For each new item, you add to your closet, remove one old item.

It’s a simple way to ensure that your collection of clothes not gets too large to manage.

You can follow the above-discussed ideas for the perfect organization of your closet. The more often you work on closet maintenance, the less time it will take finding your desired things. You must go through your closet once a month, and a full re-organization of your closet is essential twice a year. We hope that these tips will work out for your neat and most helpful closet organization.